We all learn differently. Since 2006, OnCOURSE has been helping learners in the Hamilton area find the way they learn best. How do we do it? It's simple. Personal attention, flexibility, and a belief in every student we meet.
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Who We AreWhat Students & Families Say About OnCOURSE
With OnCOURSE, you can study whenever and wherever you choose. We are passionate about your success. The next step is up to you!
Sincere thanks to OnCourse for past and ongoing support offered to our children both at the primary, secondary and now post-secondary level of school. Your professionalism, teaching talents, understanding, compassion and aspiration for excellence certainly present the challenges of learning as hopeful rather than hopeless. Obstacles become opportunities to look for a different approach. Wow, what an outstanding group of people. Please keep up the good work!
Michael and Nell H.
Stoney Creek, ONOur son is doing excellent. He finished his first semester of grade 12 with an 80% average. He will graduate on time with his class and is very proud of himself for that. He has not failed one course throughout his high school life; another thing he is very proud of. I am positive that it is because of all of you that he is doing this well in his academics. Your school is fantastic!!! The lessons you have taught him will help him through his life with ambition and confidence. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
Sherry T.
My son enjoys attending OnCourse because he gets all of his homework done in class with a teacher who gives him undivided attention. Even young kids quickly figure out that it is often quicker and less painful getting homework done at OnCourse rather than at home! I find the nights he attends OnCourse much more relaxing at home since the homework is already completed. I cannot say enough good things about OnCourse and how it has brightened my son’s academic future. Thank-you!
Andrea F.
Hamilton, ONTell us about your experience at OnCOURSE!

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